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History Of Computers

Friday, May 21, 2010 , Posted by NAGENDRAN N S at 9:49 AM

1617 John Napier shows how to multiply and divide using rods or bones.

1642 Blaise Pascal invents adding machine.

1671 G.W. von Leibniz invents adding machine with geared wheels.

1801 Joseph Jacquard uses card-controlled looms to weave designs into cloth.

1820 Charles X. Thomas introduces commercial calculating machine.

1835 Charles Babbage invents "Analytic Engine", foreshadowing computers.

1859 George Boole publishes treatise on binary algebra.

1867 Charles Sanders Peirce applies Boolean logic to electric circuits.

1872 Lord Kelvin develops analog computer to predict tides.

1886 Herman Hollerith conceives idea of using punched cards for calculations.

1890 Hollerith's ideas successfully applied to work of the U.S. Census.

1896 Hollerith forms Tabulating Machine Company.

1911 Computing Tabulating Recording Corporation (later IBM) is incorporated after Hollerith sells his company.

1911 Monroe invents a comptometer calculator to multiply and divide.

1937 George Stibitz creates electrical circuit to apply Boolean algebra.

1939 IBM engineers and Howard Aiken of Harvard start on the Mark I computer.

1941 Konrad Zuse produces digital computer, the Z3, in Germany.

1943 Alan Turing's "Colossus" computer breaks the German Enigma code.

1946 Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC) computer is built.

1946 Von Neumann, Goldstine, and Burks publish paper on computer concepts.

1948 Von Neumann develops computer memory system.

1949 ILLIAC I built at University of Illinois employing the Von Neumann design.

1949 Norbert Weiner publishes book, “Cybernetics”.

1951 UNIVAC I machine installed at U.S. Census Bureau.

1956 Computer beats human player in chess game.

1957 IBM unveils FORTRAN programming language.

1959 Jack St. Clair Kilby of Texas Instruments invents integrated circuits.

1960 Livermore Advanced Research Computer (LARC) built with transistors.

1962 J.C.R. Licklider of MIT presents concept of “galactic network” in memos.

1964 IBM introduces mainframe computer, IBM 360.

1964 Control Data introduces CDC 660 supercomputer developed by Seymour Cray.

1965 FORTRAN, user-friendly computer language, is created.

1965 Computer-controlled word-processing system replaces tape system.

1965 Lawrence Roberts links computers in California and Massachusetts to create first wide-area computer network.

1969 U.S. Department of Defense creates ARPANET computer network.

1971 Engineers at Intel invent the microprocessor.

1972 Nolan Bushnell introduces "Pong" video game.

1972 Ray Tomlinson sends first E-mail using @ in address.

1972 Several companies start making pocket calculators.

1972 Development of Infostrada, a national computer network in Poland

1973 Ethernet, a local area network, is developed at Xerox PARC.

1974 First personal computers introduced.

1974 First time that a bar code scanned supermarket groceries

1976 Cray Research sells first supercomputer.

1976 Video games now controlled by microprocessors.

1977 A glove device to facilitate computer interaction patented

1977 George Lucas' computer effects in Star Wars revolutionize filmmaking.

1977 Apple II personal computer is introduced by Jobs and Wozniak.

1977 ARCNET, local area network, is installed at Chase Manhattan bank.

1979 Pac-man video game first sold in Japan.

1979 Laser scanning begins to read bar-code data.

1980 Dan Bricklin and Dan Flystra write software for VisiCalc spreadsheet.

1981 IBM introduces personal computer, using Microsoft operating system.

1982 High-school student creates first computer virus.

1982 French postal and telegraph service hooks up nation on Minitel network.

1982 :-) is used for the first time.

1983 Internet emerges as ARPANET splits civilian from military networks.

1984 Apple Computer introduces its Macintosh machine including a mouse.

1985 Microsoft introduces its first version of Windows.

1985 Microsoft and IBM introduce new operating system, OS/2.

1989 Microsoft introduces new product, Microsoft Office.

1990 Alan Entage creates the Archie, first tool for searching web files.

1991 Mark McCahill at University of Minnesota creates Gopher to search files.

1991 World Wide Web begins.

1992 Michelangelo computer virus detected in United States.

1992 Computer servers introduced

1992 Webcrawler becomes first crawler-based search engine.

1995 America Online, CompuServe, and Prodigy begin offering dial-up internet service.

1995 Microsoft introduces Windows95.

1995 Jeff Bezos launches as online book seller.

1995 Craigslist, created by Craig Newmark becomes online service in San Francisco.

1998 Larry Page and Sergey Brin found Google while at Stanford.

1999 Peak of the financial bubble which burst two years later

2000 Computer glitch, Y2K, expected with new millennium.

2000 Google begins selling advertisements based on search words.

2001 Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia, is launched.

2003 MySpace is created by eUniverse employees; sold to News Corporation in 2005 for $580 million.

2005 Youtube is launched; sold to Google a year later for $1.65 billion.

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